HPV Swab Kits Expiry

As a result of the initial roll-out of HPV screening being delayed from July to mid-September, we now have concerns that many practices may have HPV supplies nearing their expiration date.

We ask that you please check through all HPV supplies currently held at your practice, in particular the Buffer tubes, as the initial supply of Buffer tubes had an expiry date of early January 2024.

If you have supplies expiring in January 2024, and do not feel you will be using these prior to their expiry date, please return these to your local laboratory for redistribution to other providers in your region.

Any HPV samples received after the expiry date will not be processed, with a recollection of the samples required, as the molecular analysers are programmed to automatically reject these samples.

If you wish to discuss further please do not hesitate to contact Keith Walmsley, 07 578 7073.