Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS)
April 29, 2024
Pathlab is pleased to report the increased uptake of the Illumiscreen -Non-Invasive Blood Screen (NIPS) pathway which is tested within Aotearoa New Zealand. The Illumiscreen is a safe and reliable genetic screen that is available from as early as 10 weeks pregnancy. Three common conditions that can be detected by Illumiscreen are Down Syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards Syndrome (trisomy 18) and Patau…
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Change to Beta Band Quantitation Method
April 05, 2024
Pathlab is changing the method of quantitating bands in the alpha and beta regions identified by protein electrophoresis. This will take effect on Monday 15 April 2024. Diagnostic criteria for MGUS/Multiple Myeloma and management remains unchanged. Quantitation of bands in the gamma region remains unchanged. Pathlab is changing the method of quantitating bands in the alpha and beta regions…
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Removal of Faxed Reports
January 23, 2024
We have been informed by our tele-communications service provider that all phone lines (ISDN) which are currently supporting faxing will be decommissioned within the next month. We have you on our list as still receiving abnormal / urgent / INR results via a fax number. As faxing will no longer be a supported result delivery mode, any practices still receiving faxes must transition to receiving…
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HPV Swab Kits Expiry
December 04, 2023
As a result of the initial roll-out of HPV screening being delayed from July to mid-September, we now have concerns that many practices may have HPV supplies nearing their expiration date. We ask that you please check through all HPV supplies currently held at your practice, in particular the Buffer tubes, as the initial supply of Buffer tubes had an expiry date of early January 2024. If you have…
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Transitioning to Pathlab eOrdering System
December 01, 2023
Over recent years, we have been working with all our community practices and providers to transition them across to Pathlab's eOrdering system for requesting laboratory orders. On reviewing the current usage, we note that many practices have a practice management system (PMS) capable of accessing the Pathlab eOrdering system. There are, however, some practices/providers who have not transitioned…
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