
Change to reference intervals for ALT and AST
December 04, 2020

AST and ALT Following an upgrade of the main biochemistry analyser from the Cobas 6000 to Cobas 8100 at Waikato hospital laboratory, a review of reference intervals was undertaken. The new IFCC reference methods for AST and ALT methods correlate well with Pathlab results allowing us to harmonise our reference intervals across the BOP, Lakes and Waikato regions. Plot of Pathlab results against…

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Molecular testing for Enteric Pathogens - Reagent Supply Issues
October 08, 2020

Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we currently have problems in securing reagents for molecular/PCR based testing of enteric pathogens. This is due to the manufacturers of the test reagents diverting resource to the production of SARS-CoV-2 assays. As a result, we will be required to return to culture based diagnosis of enteric bacterial pathogens (Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella…

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IMPORTANT - COVID Test Request for Travel
September 16, 2020

The Ministry of Health has advised all New Zealand laboratories that COVID testing for travelling repatriation / pre-departure travel, are not funded by the NZ government. Pre-departure travel COVID testing must be requested within the specific timeframe as indicated on the airline letters the traveller holds - usually between 48 hours to 72 hours from when the result is required, airline…

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Helicobacter pylori Testing in Children
September 14, 2020

This clinical update outlines a change in approach to laboratory testing of H. pylori infection in children. Currently a significant proportion of H. pylori faecal antigen requests received by Pathlab come from children under 16 years, however local and international guidelines for children (references given below) recommend that investigation and subsequent treatment for H. pylori should be…

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“Post-Surge” Microbiology Testing during COVID Pandemic
September 02, 2020

Thank you for your cooperation during this challenging time. It is very much appreciated as we try and minimise the pressure on our laboratory staff and maintain good turnaround times and test quality for all the assays that we perform. COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 test volumes have now settled to some extent from the large test surge that we saw a few weeks ago. However, test numbers remain elevated at…

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